Blog Harvest i-paddock

The iPaddock Typhoon

iPaddock typhoon combine harvest equipment

The iPaddock Typhoon™ was designed to maximize capacity and minimize downtime. This heavy-duty feed drum is designed with strength and adaptability. It is one of the highest and most efficient combine harvest equipment in the market.

The iPaddock Typhoon™ grabs crops and pulls it through in a continuous even flow, allowing you to go faster and get the crop off fast.

This retrofit drum combine harvest equipment was created in 2016, and the design requirements were that this drum needed to feed better and last longer.

At Thunderstruck Ag, we have The iPaddock Typhoon. It’s simple to install and comes with easy instructions.

The iPaddock Typhoon has a smaller diameter barrel incorporating taller flights and longer strike retractable fingers, this gives you a much larger crop flow window; in fact it is three times the size. It increases the number of fingers to 25 and in a much more aggressive pattern combined with the patented paddle flights in the center allowing  people to travel two to four kilometres per hour faster for crops like canola and legumes.

The next major attribute about the iPaddock Typhoon  is durability. It eliminates the problem of the retractable fingers getting stuck inside the drum with this 35 millimeter diameter of fully welded crankshaft. Farmers will be pleased to know that the reversing clutch has been completely eliminated from inside the drum, however of course this does not have any effect on the ability to reverse the header feed drum when needed.

It features solid steel retractable fingers, filled fit replaceable finger holders, and tough highly durable finger guides. Combine that with a fully welded steel plate internal structure and premium quality bearings that will make the iPaddock Typhoon quickly pay for itself with reduced downtime in the field. 

An exclusive standard feature of the iPaddock Typhoon is the quick timing system which allows you to adjust the retractable finger timing anywhere within an arc of 150 degrees just by loosening one nut. With this fast and simple adjustment the iPaddock Typhoon is ideal  for any crop or field conditions. With the clear and simple instructions provided, installation takes around two hours. 

Farmers will also be pleased to know that iPaddock has finally solved the problem of the drive chain coming off the combine harvest feed drum on the MacDon fronts. This was solved using the The iPaddock Twister. With a four minute installation which only  involves undoing the chain tensioner sprocket, fitting the twister to the back of the bolt and then doing the bolt back up again, this issue  will no longer be a problem.

The iPaddock Typhoon and the The iPaddock Twister were made to help you  harvest faster, feed smoother, maximise harvester capacity and eliminate swatting and all the costs that come with it. 

They are available in Canada and the United States  and they are compatible with the MacDon D60, MacDon D65, MacDon D/FD1 and John Deere. 

Thunderstruck™Ag Equipment distributes the iPaddock Typhoon and The iPaddock Twister. View the entire benefits,features, request a quote and more by clicking here.

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